Monday, November 21, 2011

The Future's Not Ours To See

To find out how an ancient civilization lived we dig deep into the ground to unearth their belongings. With their stuff in our hands we are able to make an educated guess to what life was like in their day. In the future will people dig through unwanted servers, through massive amounts of data to unearth my blog in an effort to figure out what life was like now? I know that seems a little egotistical, but I did only mentioned people of the future finding my blog, not creating a religion where I am their God from it. It just seems that in this day and age we are moving forward so fast that it’s going to get even harder to remember the past. So if you are reading this and its 100 years later and you’re trying to figure out how everything turned out so wonderful it was me. I single handily created your bright future, your welcome. Conversely if you are trying to figure out what the hell happened because it seems to you everything went to shit. It wasn’t me, but I did fight extremely hard for change, there were just too many bad eggs.

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